Centre for Development of awareness and teaching (PRESENCE)
Škurinjskih žrtava 16 (apartment number 10),
Rijeka 51000
Centre PRESENCE aims to develop our full potential and raising awareness, connecting with itself and thus the universe as a whole. In this endeavour we use highly efficient and extremely therapeutic methods and healing techniques.
OIB: 18931895347
IBAN: HR8824020061140261962
SWIFT/BIC: ESBCHR22; Erste&Steiermarkische Bank d.d. ,Rijeka
Mob: 0554-298 59(0) 583+
email: rh.ecneserp@ofni
Goran Horaček

After the news that his daughter is going to die, he was standing on the beach of the hospital with an empty mind. The most difficult moment, but he gained strength because he in that moment was aware of the presence of God. Watching his daughter he realized that she was actually a child of God and realized that she is not only the body. What she is and we all are, it can’t die. He received grace because he discovered the meaning of true love, and it’s strength, thanks to her daughter and God. And he wants to share this revelation with others and help others on their journey. Soon he opens PRESENCE in Rijeka, finishes for a Reiki Master and teacher, ThetaHealing® practitioner. In 2017 he completes Level II: Reconnective Healing Foundational Practitioner Program in Bucharest, Romania. In 2018 he completes Level III: The Reconnection-Certified Practitioner Program in Bologna, Italy. He is active in The Work by Byron Katie; for which he has no certificate. Practices Yoga and is supporter of Wim Hof Method which enables us to tap into the power of the “cold” to burn fat, boost your immune system, improve sleep quality, increase hormone levels, reduce inflammation and increase the “feel good” chemicals in the brain called endorphins (natures own mood boosters). He also has certificates in 3d modeling and web design.